Monday, 29 September 2014

Risk Assessment



Location:  Media Studies

Task being assessed: Students filming/taking photos in college

General Risk assessment
Student Name:


Regardless of control measures
Persons at risk
Worst outcome

Risk Rating
Existing control measures taken against the risk
What further control measures are required when and by whom
Injury, practicle equip


ambushed on the road








Don’t film alone.
St briefing.

Don’t go alone.
Make location known.

Make location and route known.
Transport descuss
St guide to filming.

Sf = staff
St = students
Cr = contractors
Cl = cleaners
V = visitors

D = people with disabilities
X = young/inexperienced
L = lone workers
W = women of child-bearing age
*2  This is without control measures
F = fatal
Maj = major injury or permanent disability
Min = minor injury
NR = non-reportable
*3  This is with control measures in place
Fr = frequent/likely/could occur repeatedly/expected
Pr = probable/not surprised/might occur often
Ps = possible/could occur sometime
R = remote/unlikely but conceivable
U = unlikely/improbable such that likelihood is almost zero

Friday, 26 September 2014

Planned Interviews

Charlotte Whitsey


Hello there, I am a Media Studies student at the Sixth Form College of Solihull and I was wondering if me and my group would be able to interview you over Skype for our documentary please?

Please get in contact over the following Skype address:

Formal Proposal

Documentary Proposal: Is YouTube becoming a viable career choice for people today?

We are going to create a documentary based on the careers in the YouTube industry and whether it is a viable career choice for people.
We are going to split the task into three sections, with each person handling a different job within the section.

Section 1
Interviews (Voxpops and Experts): Chloe Henry
Cameraman: Rory Oakley
Sound Guy: Arun Dey

Section 2
Background history: Chloe Henry
Audience Research: Arun Dey
Vlog History: Rory Oakley

Section 3
Clip Editing: Chloe Henry
Sound Mixing: Arun Dey and Rory Oakley

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Post on Each Documentary

Please subscribe
Tomska and Bing on the One show

Title:Vlogumentarry/Director - Corey Vidal
Soft music throughout in order to portray the passion that the youtubers share over their profession. Throughout the documentary features video clips taken from the channels of you-tubers. A lot of emotion captured from each youtuber. As well as this there is soft sounding background music. overall the trailer gets the perfect balance of clips and expert interview.

Title:Tomska on the One show/Produced by the BBC
Tomska on the One Show:Brief introduction on Tom and what he does,then it then goes into showing  clips from Tomska's previous videos. Following this leads to an interview with him with the surroundings of his editing office in order to give him a sense of professionalism. It shows him editing while being interviewed showing he's a dedicated hard worker.

Title:Please Subscribe/ Director - Dan Dobi
Please subscribe is a personal look into the lives of you tubers and gives an insight into what it takes to become a established youtuber. it follows top content creators and sees what they put into constructing videos

The Audience of YouTube

YouTube Audiences 

YouTube is a video-sharing website that was created on the 14th February 2005. It employs users to upload and share videos from around world, with the website being localised in 61 countries and with 100 hours of video uploaded every minute. As of 2014, YouTube has become the third most used website in the world next to Google and Facebook.
It has attracted over 1 million unique users each month in the course of its 9 year run with over 6 billion hours of videos being watched each month- that's almost an hour for every person on Earth.  According to the Nielsen ratings, YouTube reaches more US adults aged 18-34  than any cable network viewed everyday. 
One of the most popular features includes subscriptions with each channel gaining millions of subscriptions daily, up more than 4 times than last year.

Information from:


This chart shows the gender demographics of  YouTube's audience. As you can see here, the majority of the viewers are male, with the the female only coming in at 23%. 

Information from:

Audience by YouTube channel:

While YouTube often caters to different people in general, most channels mainly have specific audience. For example:

KSIolajideBT- His audience mainly consists of casual/hardcore gamers and football fans as his content usually features videos of the popular sporting game, FIFA.
Chris Stuckmann- His audience consists of  moviegoers as his videos are reviews of either recent or classic movies.
Forneverworld- His audience mainly consists of Anime fans as his videos are either about Anime  reviews, first impressions and rants.

A Brief(ish) History of YouTube

What is Youtube?

YouTube is a video sharing site used by over 800 MILLION people every month racking up a total of over 3 BILLION hours of video viewing ever month it is the third latest site on the internets, behind only Google and Facebook .
The rise in popularity of youtube lead to the cancelling of many cable and satellite subscriptions in 2011.
In 2012 thousands of people six figures a year in youtube revenue, all for simply posting videos online- it is the fastest growing form of media.
T-shirt companies make more than 2 million USD from just YouTube merchandise, and it has competition from rivals such as Comic-Con.

First Research Task

Research on a famous YouTuber and their target audience:

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